# First Name Last Name NOC
1 Dominik Dańkowski POL
2 Henry Räppo EST
3 Kevin Vabaorg EST
4 Peeter - Erik Rummo EST
5 Kirill Kvitko AIN
7 Aleksandr Vasilev AIN
8 Aleksandr Vasilev AIN
9 Savelijs Suharževskis LAT
10 Davide Ingrilli ITA
11 Alberto Rabellino ITA
12 Johannes Sikk EST
14 Kaarel Trepp EST
15 Mārcis Pīnups LAT
16 Dmitriy Pilyugin AIN
Program notes:

Technical Delegate: Eugene Kraus/LUX. Race Referee: Paul Groves/GBR. Competition Jury: Eugene Kraus/LUX, Margus Liepick/EST, Siim Ausmees/EST. Athletes #1 Dankowski/POL and #5Kvitko/RUS served a 10 seconds penatty in the run segment. Athlete #9 Suharzevskis/LAT served a 10 seconds penalty during the ski segment All the Athletes on the start list finished the race.