Exclusive Video: Live TV

by Peter Holmes on 02 Dec, 2009 02:00 • Español
Behind the scenes of a live tv production

This week we take you behind the scenes and show you how the breathtaking images from triathlon find their way from around the world straight to your television or computer.

ITU Director of Media and Television, Brian Mahony, takes you on a tour of the outside broadcast compound to demonstrate the huge team and operation that has to be assembled at each of the Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Series events.

Once the cameras start rolling the action begins for the Director, Producer and engineers who have to work together to compile the best shots, graphics and information as the races unfold. Shooting a sport which involves three disciplines across a large area of land and water certainly has its challenges.

You can view last year’s races from the world championship series by visiting ITU’s television website: www.triathlon.org/tv

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