Anti-doping Survey Results

by World Triathlon Admin on 28 May, 2009 12:01

Recently, ITU elite athletes had an opportunity to take part in an Anti-doping Survey. This survey will serve to shape ITU’s Anti-doping programme for the next few years.

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing with you the responses to the survey. There were 132 responses. This week we will focus on some of the questions that had to do with anti-doping education.

1. Have you ever received any anti-doping education?
Yes – 89%
No – 11%

2. If yes, who taught you? Please tick all that apply.
ITU – 9%
NF – 26%
National Anti-doping Agency – 32%
National Olympic Committee – 14%
School, University, College, Military – 14%
Other – 4%

3. Do you think that every elite athlete should have to receive some anti-doping education?
Yes – 96%
No – 4%

As a signatory of the WADA Code, ITU is mandated to do education on anti-doping.  In addition to these weekly newsletters, Anti-doping education is included in all ITU courses and ITU will be using WADA’s Outreach program at the 2009 Dextro Energy Triathlon - ITU World Championship Grand Final Gold Coast.

If you would like more information on anti-doping, please do not hesitate to contact Leslie Buchanan, ITU Anti-doping Director at

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