ITU Holds L1 Technical Officials Course in Chengdu

by Erin Greene on 12 Sep, 2012 11:30 • Español

ITU recently held a technical officials course in Chengdu where 34 representatives from China, Singapore and Chinese Taipei received training from Singapore’s David Hoong and Peter Chua.

During the course, participants engaged in lectures presented by Hoong and Chua, followed by group discussions in which they were invited to provide opinions and responses for various officiating scenarious.

Despite a wide breadth of experience from the attendees, the course proved exceptionally educational for all according to group leader Mr. Wang Bing. He said, “I am one of the most experienced here and yet I found that I have a lot to learn from the facilitators and from my peers whom I have worked for many previous events.”

Hoong agreed, saying, “As there were many experienced technical officials in the class, the discussions were interesting with many contributing their own experiences and from their prospective. They were keen to learn and asked me many practical questions that I could share with everyone”.

Following the course, all of the participants then officiated at the 2012 Chengdu ITU Premium Continental Cup on September 8.

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