ITU Level 2 Technical Official Seminar held in Beijing, China

by Erin Greene on 13 Aug, 2013 06:41 • Español

ITU recently enhanced Technical Officials’ knowledge and skills for Asian countries at an ITU Level 2 Technical Official Seminar in Beijing, China. A total of 24 Technical Official candidates from nine countries (China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore) took part in a two-day course consisting of classroom and practical work. Half of the participants joined the course to renew their certification and update their knowledge and skills, while the other half participated to upgrade their certification level.

Also this course is a part of good practice for three Asian Level 2 facilitators, David Hoong (Singapore), Qin Jianqiu (China), Rachel Ribo (Philippines). They successfully conducted their designated sessions under the leadership of Thanos Nikopoulos, ITU Senior Manager of Technical Operations, who is one of the most experienced facilitators in our sport. ASTC will now be able to have more Level 2 TO courses in future without inviting facilitators from other continents. 

Level 2 Course in Beijing

“It was a good opportunity for our TOs to learn about recent changes in the triathlon rules. Thanos is such a great facilitator who is willing to share all his experiences and knowledge with all our TOs. I am sure our TOs enjoyed the course in the interactive and cooperative environment,” said Ki, Woo Kyong, ASTC Sport Development Coordinator.   

“The education circle is now complete in Asia after the similar TO Level 2 course in Subic Bay, four years ago. I am extremely satisfied with the contribution of all the participants and the valuable assistance of the three co-facilitators, who are ready to deliver this course in the future, ” said Nikopoulos.

“This course is different from the previous course because many of them are here to re-validate their TO L2 status and they are all very experienced in officiating at very high level of races like the Olympics, World Championships, and WTS races. The discussions and role plays were in depth and exciting,“ said David Hoong (ITU Level 2 facilitator).

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