Science & Tri Conference hits Edmonton

by Olalla Cernuda on 05 Dec, 2017 05:12 • Español
Science & Tri Conference hits Edmonton

The fourth ITU Science & Triathlon Conference is set to hit Edmonton (Canada) this week, with top coaches, experts and researchers in the endurance sport gathering for the two-day seminar slated for 6-7 December.

Offering a mix of the world’s most accomplished coaches coupled with top international sports scientists, this unique conference will focus on how to apply the latest science and research into best practices for coaching triathlon.
“This is the fourth edition of the Science & Triathlon Conference, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved until now. We have created an event that offers our coaches and researches the best networking conditions to share experiences and knowledge so that we can have the most in-depth and innovative information available for training triathletes and paratriathletes,” said ITU President and IOC Member Marisol Casado. “The programme offers both groundbreaking sports science as well as tried and true practices that will produce better coaches and therefore better, faster and stronger athletes”.

“This year’s programme will serve all endurance sports scientists and coaches looking to obtain the most relevant research on producing winning athletes. But most of all, it will be a great opportunity for the experts to join together to make educated guesses on what the future holds for the sport of triathlons” she said.

The Conference will start with Alex Hutchinson talking about hype and reality in sports science, to then move on to Dr. Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre who will speak about knowledge transfer and how to get the most out of scientific research when working with athletes, as well as a talk about sustainable motivation for elite athletes and coaches.

The first day will feature to two gold medallist coaches, with Inaki Arenal, from Spain, and Malcolm Brown, coach from British Triathlon, taking the stage.

Enhancing parent-coach interactions to maximise athletes’ engagement and development,  updates and current evidences of altitude training effectiveness will be covered as well, adapting to Training and Competing in the Heat or Training and Competing in a Polluted Environment will be discussed as well.

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