Triathlon Tips for Parents & Youth

by World Triathlon Admin on 15 Apr, 2008 12:00

As triathlon grows in popularity and as more kids begin to take up the sport, we start the first of a three-part series on triathlon tips for parents and youth. 

1. Know the course and race distances. If at all possible train or visit the race course prior to the event. Make a point of knowing where the bike mount and dismount lines and the finish line. You can always push harder if you know the end is in sight!
2. Arrive early at the race site. There is already enough stress without having to hurry and rush. Get the race packet, body marked and set up the transition area. Make sure your area is free of clutter and your bike is in the proper gear. Know where your bike is located. All the bikes look the same after a swim and run.
3. Check and recheck your equipment. Sounds like common sense but there is not a transition area at a race where 30 percent of the bike tires are low or the chain is off. Take extra swim goggles, a clear water bottle (so you can quickly see how much fluid you have left) and warm clothes for after the race or swim warm up. Bring a pump, snacks and water or sports drink. Lastly, take extra safety pins and your race belt.

Check back soon on for more Training Tips.

Click here for videos and more training tips

Before coming to ITU as Sport Development Manager, Alan Ley was Coaching Education Manager for USA Triathlon. Alan was trained at the USOC Coaching College, certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and American Council of Exercise and is currently a Level 3 Elite Triathlon Coach.  He holds degrees in exercise science and hospital administration.

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