Women and Sport Forum Vol.1 held in Japan

by Risa Kusunoki on 07 May, 2015 01:49 • Español

The Japanese Triathlon Union is pleased to announce the first Women and Sport Forum, themed “The Value and Power of Sport for Women”. It will be held in Kanda Kyoritsu Koudou, Japan on Monday 18 May, 2015.

In this Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic University Collaboration Project, ITU President and IOC Member Marisol Casado will deliver a keynote speech “The History of Women’s Involvement in Olympics and the IOC’s Ongoing Efforts”. Her speech will be followed by a panel discussion with guests who are leading women in sports.

The forum will be organized as a long-term project running over the course of five years with the aim of promoting an environment in which women can enjoy a healthy lifelong involvement in sport activities.

This year we will provide the opportunity to explore the world of sport to show that anybody can be involved in sport and enjoy it in many ways. Each year thereafter we will continue to focus on sport-related issues:  creating strategies to increase female coaches, mentoring, networking, studying mental and physical care for female athletes for sustainable sport life, to mention just a few.

These forums will serve as an opportunity for women to explore sport positively and experience its challenges and rewards with the aim that the forums will promote women’s involvement, not just in sport, but in society overall.

Date and Time:  Monday 18 May, 2015 13:30-16:30
Venue:                Kanda Kyoritsu (2-2-1 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
Organizer:          Kyoritsu Women’s Educational Institution
Co-Organizers:  Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC), Japan Triathlon Union (JTU),
                          Kyoritsu Women’s University and Kyoritsu Women’s Junior College Oyukai
Sponsors:          Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Japan Olympic Academy (JOA);
                          TBC: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
                          Agency of Tourism; City of Yokohama, Chiyoda Ward; Japanese Paralympic Committee (JPC)
Cooperation:      Olympians Association of Japan (OAJ)
                          TBC: The 2020 Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (TOCOG)
Operation:          International Triathlon Union (ITU) Women’s Committee, Japan Triathlon Union (JTU)
Designated by:  Chiyoda Ward’s Project to promote Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics:
                          “Sport for Tomorrow” Project  

Schedule (tentative)

12:30     Door open
13:30     Opening remarks(Kyoritsu Women’s University, JOC)
13:45     Keynote speech (30min) 
              Ms. Marisol Casado
              Member, International Olympic Committee (IOC),President, International Triathlon Union (ITU)
              Theme: “History of Women’s Involvement in Olympics and the IOC’s Ongoing Efforts”
14:15     Q&A (20min)
14:35     Break (15min)
14:50     Panel Forum (60min)
              Ms. Marisol CASADO, IOC Member, ITU President
              Ms. Yuka MUROFUSHI, Olympian, Hammer Throwing
              Ms. Wakako TSUCHIDA, Summer and Winter Paralympian, Ice Sledge Race, Wheelchair Marathon
              Dr. Sanae NAKAJIMA, Assistant Professor of Sport Science, Coach
              Ms. Nobuko ITO, Nagano Winter Olympics volunteer   
              Tomoko WADA, ITU Women’s Committee Chair
15:50     Q&A (30min)
16:20     Closing remark(Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee)
16:30     Forum close

Fee:        Free of charge
              Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited to numbers and
              simultaneous interpretations.
Register: Please click here
Forum details in Japanese: here

For any inquiries or your interest in attending, please contact JTU at jtuoffice01@jtu.or.jp

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